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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Only A Man

I led worship at "The Front" last night in Boulder, and Jimmy Lakey talked about where God is when times are hard and stressful. Here is that song that we listened to last night. It is "Only a Man" by Jonny Lang:

I used to live my life in fear
Was worried all the time
From waking up to laying down
I had no peace of mind
The world became a darkened place
A struggle without end
Although bitter times those were
The days that I had began to understand
I was only a man

I grew up singing songs in church
With questions in my mind
Then turned my back and ran away
From God who gave me life
Then one night his presence fell
I wept and shook and then
I fell down and cried, Dear Jesus, rescue me again
I understand I am only a man

And He said, What will it be now?
Will you choose me or keep swimming up stream now?
I've been inside your head hearing you scream out.
Well here I am, just take my hand and I'll take out
All of the pain and all of the fear
All of the fear

I'll give you my burdens (I'll give you peace)
All of my desires (I'll give you what you need)
Oh, what about these chains, Lord? (I'll set you free)
But they're so heavy (Lay them at my feet)
I'll lay them at your feet
Just promise you won't leave (I'll never leave)
So where do I go from here, Lord? (Just follow me)
(Just follow me)
I'll follow you (Just follow me) wherever you lead
Wherever you lead, wherever you lead

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Light Of The World

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The difference between Christianity and many other religious beliefs is that of who Jesus is and was. Many people look at Jesus as a myth or a good teacher. Maybe He was a prophet? Ministering to the Boulder community shows me how many different views of God and Jesus there actually are. Boulder was once known as the New Age Capital of the world. Freethinking runs wild in this mountain college town. If you look at Matt. 16, Jesus and His followers were in Caesarea Philippi. This was a town very similar to Boulder. It was a melting pot of beliefs so to speak. This is where the Greeks considered the gates of Hates (the underworld) to be. This is why Jesus refers to the gates of Hates later in the chapter. It was a town of marble statues to gods. this is where they would have worshipped to the goat god "Pan". The worship usually involved sexual rituals. Jesus bring his young Jews disciples here would be like a pastor bringing his just graduated seniors to a strip club. Imagine what was going through the disciples minds. Jesus asked, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?" 14They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets." 15"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" 16Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

I can spend time trying to prove to you who Jesus was and is, but He already did that. I will then point you to Him. He will direct your thoughts and understanding and eventually, you will come to the truth. He was who He said He was. I love how Jesus would talk in ways that would excite people. “I am the bread of life…” Just being in a room with the smell of bread baking is comforting and warming. John 1 says, “the Word because flesh and dwelt among us.” The presence of God came and moved in and became a friend to the sinners. How exciting is this?! Jesus said, ”I am the light of the world.” The people of Israel were in darkness and ruled by the Romans. There were 400 years of silence before Jesus came, and He brought the bright light of who He was and is, and the message of the The Kingdom of God that He offers.

I encourage you; if you are not sure about who Jesus is, open up John and start asking questions.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Bloom Worship Night

For the last couple of months, Michael Gungor and his wife Lisa have been hosting worship nights in Denver called "Bloom". I have had the privilege to help with the last two. Many of you know Michael through either Michael Rossback or from his song "Friend Of God" that Integrity released in 03 and made it on the last "Passion" DVD. He and his band travel with "Acquire The Fire" as the worship band for the events. At Bloom, Michael and Lisa share there hearts through leading the people in intense passionate worship. Michael usually teaches and then we come together for communion. If you can make it and want to worship with us, come to New Beginnings Church at 8390 E Hampden Ave, Denver, CO at 7pm this Friday the 14th to join in.

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